San Diego California

San Diego California
San Diego California


Almost everybody works. In California there are approximately 21 million employees. Yet the employers we work for and locations that we work in are as diverse as we are as a people. It is rarely clear or easy to understand how the various laws that regulate employment in California apply to each employee and each employer.

As an employment attorney I talk to people everyday who have questions about their employment and the laws that may or may not protect them. Is my employer required to give me an accommodation? How much time can I take off from work if I am pregnant? My supervisor has asked me out on a date what can I do? Can I take time off work to care for my sick parent? Is my employment a hostile workplace? My coworker watches porn on his computer that he knows I can see and hear is there anything I can do to stop him? My supervisor gives all the best work shifts to her friends, is there a way that I can get some of these shifts? I am never allow to take a rest break what can I do?

My goal is creating this blog is to continue and expand the conversations I have every day with these workers. It is my hope that through these conversations I will be able to bring to you some clarity and certainty to the California employee. Search the archive and you will find some topic or situation that probably relates to something that has happened to you at work. Happy reading.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Meal and Rest Periods

Meal and Rest Break Periods

Under California law, if you are a non-exempt worker, meaning you are paid by the hour, you are entitled to meal and rest breaks. Specifically, you are entitled to a 30 minute meal break if you work more than 5 hours in a workday, and one 10 minutes break for a shift lasting 3.5 to 6 hours and second 10 minute break if your shift lasts between 6 and 10 hours. The 10 minutes breaks are paid time, but the 30 minute meal break is unpaid as long as you are completely free of all employment related duties during the break, otherwise it should be paid time. In other words if you work a job from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. you are entitled to a 10 minute break in the morning, a 30 minute unpaid meal break and a 10 minute break in the afternoon.

If your employer doesn’t comply with break requirements, they may be required to pay you one extra hour of regular pay for each day on which a meal period or rest break violation occurred. California Courts have held that an employer is liable for one hour of pay for missed breaks and an additional hour of pay for missed meals, that is two additional hours of paid time for every day an employer denies an employee rest breaks and a meal period in the same day. See United Parcel Service v. Superior Court (published 6/2/2011)

Important Rest Break Details

(1) A rest break is at least 10 consecutive minutes. Rest breaks are paid time.
(2) If you work at least 3.5 hours in a day, you are entitled to a rest break; you are entitled to a second rest break if you work more than six hours.
(3) Rest breaks must to the extent possible be in the middle of each work period.
(4) Your boss may require you to remain on work premises during your rest break; but you cannot be required to work during any required rest break.
(5) *** You are free to skip your rest break provided your boss isn’t encouraging or forcing you to.   The California Supreme Court has decided that employers do not have to ensure that their employees take rest periods; employer only need provide make them available to employees. See Brinker Restaurant Corp. v. Superior Court (2012) 53 C.4th 1004.

Important Meal Period Details

(1) If you work over five hours in a day, you are entitled to an unpaid meal period of at least 30 minutes the meal period must begin by the end of the fifth hour;
(2) An employee can, if they wish, agree with their employer to an "on-duty" meal break which counts as time worked and is paid. If you do agree to an on-duty meal period, it must be written down and signed by you and an employer representative.
(3) Your employer has an affirmative obligation to ensure you are free to take your meal break, including leaving the premises if you want to leave, however they do not have to "police" their employees to make sure the meal period is taken;
(4) Your boss has an affirmative obligation to ensure you are actually relieved of all duty and are not performing any work during meal breaks.

Please note that there are some exceptions to the above rules for certain industries, including drivers,  healthcare, group home, motion picture, manufacturing, and baking industries.

For questions about your meals and rest breaks call Gienapp Law, APC at (619) 234-3054 for a free consultation.

Keep on taking those breaks!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

E-mail and Internet Privacy at Work


In a nutshell, assume that you have no e-mail or internet privacy while at work.  Most employers have an "Electronic Media Policy" which gives the employer the right to monitor their employees' email and internet usage.  These Electronic Media Polices often permit employers to monitor email, including personal email (gmail or hotmail etc.) and internet surfing in real time.  Do you really want your employer to know your weekend plans or how your birthday party went?  Even if your employer does not have the written policy per se, most Courts seem to hold that an employee who uses an employer provided computer or other electronic media device does not have the same "expectation of privacy" that we as American citizens have in our personal lives. 


The issue with electronic media really matters for two reasons.  The first reason I alluded to above, we as employees really don't want our employers looking into our personal lives uninvited.  No real good comes of it and it can lead to problems.  The second reason is more concrete and has to do with the employee who makes a claim or complaint against their employer.  The employer's electronic media policies often allow an employer to go back once they have been sued by an employee and look at the employees old emails and web surfing to find evidence to use against the employee. This can include emails from the employee to their attorney or other communications that the employee might otherwise be able to keep private.  Sometimes employers can find evidence of employee activities that had the employer known about at the time they occurred, could have been used to fire the employee.  This type of "after acquired evidence" is admissible in lawsuits and can severely limit the damages a wrongfully treated employee can receive from their employer. 

The law in this area is developing.  At some point it may swing back to be more protective of employee privacy.  However, for the time being, it is better to not conduct your personal life on company electronic devices, and certainly do not communicate with your attorney on company email.  For more information and a free consultation please call Gienapp Law, APC at 619-234-3054.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

At Will Employment


Almost all employees in California are "at will" employees. With the exception of those few employees with employment contracts and those who are covered by union agreements, we are "at will."   What does it mean to be an employee "at will?"  I like to say that an at will employees can be hired or fired for any reason or no reason, as long as it isn't the "wrong" reason. 


The one idea that is consistently difficult for the California employees to accept is that an at will employee can be subject to unfair, arbitrary, and capricious treatment by the employer.  For example I have spoken with many employees who were accused of stealing from their employer.  In some cases the employee had proof that other employees were the culprits and yet the true culprits were not fired and the innocent employee is fired.  This is not an unlawful or "wrongful" termination.  The same concept applies if the employer fires an employee because they don't like the employee's personality, looks, or clothes.  The law gives employers leeway to hire and fire whomever the employer feels will do the best job.  Even if the person who will actually do the best job is someone the employer just fired. 


The California employee cannot, however, be fired, demoted, or etc. for the "wrong" reason.  In general terms the "wrong" reason is either because of (1) some unchangeable characteristic that is protected under the law; age over 40, race, sex, religion, national origin, and sexual orientation; or (2) because the employee engaged in some protected activity like filing a claim for workers compensation or complaining about an unsafe or unlawful working condition, AKA whistle blowing.  These are just some examples of protected activities.  If the employer takes action against an employee and it is because of either of these two reasons, the employer's action may be illegal.  If you believe that your employer has taken unlawful action against you, call Gienapp Law, APC at (619) 234-3054 for a free consultation.  You can visit our web site here.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pregnancy Leave

Juggling a family and a job is stressful.  I frequently speak with men and women who are trying to balance job security with the demands of raising a family.  In this post I will review various regulations that relate to time away from work due to pregnancy.  Unfortunately for the well informed California Employee, the protections that exist vary depending on the type and size of your employer. 

California Pregnancy Disability Leave Law AKA “PDLL”
The PDLL requires employers who employ 5 or more employees to provide up to four months of leave to any employee who is disabled by their pregnancy.   The leave can be taken before, during, or after the birth of the child, or split into different time periods.  The employer is not required to pay any wages to the employee while out on leave; however the employer generally must hold the job open for the employee.  There is no length of service requirement for the PDLL meaning even recently hired employees are eligible for this leave. 

Paid Family Leave AKA “PFL”
Since 2004 California workers whose employer contribute to the State Disability Insurance (SDI) fund are entitled to six weeks of partial pay (usually about 55% of wages up to a maximum limit) each year while taking time off from work to: bond with a newborn baby, adopted or foster child; and care for a seriously ill parent, child, spouse or registered domestic partner.  This leave can be used in conjunction with other leave types available and is available to an employee starting day one of their employment. 

California Family Rights Act AKA “CFRA”
Leave under CFRA may be available if all of the following are true: (1) the employee has worked at least one year for their employer; (2) the employee has worked at least 1,250 hours in the past year, and (3) the employer has at least 50 employees working within 75 miles of the employee’s worksite.  If eligible as described above, an employee is able to take up to twelve weeks of leave in addition to the PDLL.  CFRA leave can be used to “care for a sick child, spouse, or parent with a serious health condition; or to care for a newborn child, newly adopted child, or foster child.”  As with PDLL this leave is without pay, however the employer is usually required to reinstate the employee to the same or similar position once the leave has ended. 

In addition to the leaves listed above, some employers have leave policies, and/or short term disability benefits that may cover some wages while a pregnant employee is out on pregnancy disability leave.  Depending on their medical condition and physician care, some pregnant employees may qualify for California State short term disability benefits (STI). For more information from the State of California on Pregnancy and employment go here.

As you see there are several leave types available for the pregnant California employee.  In addition to the basic information as described above, each leave type of a few other terms and conditions.  For information specific to your situation please call 619-234-3054 for a consultation.

Finally, it is illegal for any employer to treat you differently or punish you for taking pregnancy leave as described above. You generally have a right to be reinstated to your position upon return from your leave.  If you feel your employer is retaliating against you in any way for accessing pregnancy leave, call Gienapp Law, APC at 619-234-3054 for a free consultation. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hostile Work Enviornment

The Hostility Issue AKA The Hostile Work Environment

I frequently get telephone calls from disgruntled employees who believe they work in a hostile work environment.  Many times an employee tells me of their “Type A” personality boss who has worked his or her way into a position of authority in the workplace and runs his or her office with an iron fist.  I will call the person of authority the "bossy boss."  The bossy boss believes anger, fear, and outbursts are the best way to motivate and will frequently raise their voice in an effort to strike the proper tone.   To make matters worse the bossy boss is usually uneven.  One day a confusion or an error by an employee receives a simple clarification and correction, but the next day the same confusion or error receives a series of threats and insults and a vein popping display from bossy boss which leaves the employee in a state of shock.

Frequently by the time the employee is calling me he or she is about to go on stress leave and has four of the five signs of post traumatic stress disorder.  The employee calls me because he or she want to sue their employer for allowing a hostile work environment.   Before I address the bossy boss situation I will briefly describe the oft misunderstood term “hostile work environment.”

The term “hostile work environment” arises out of the body of laws which prohibit sexual harassment at work. Sexual harassment is verbal, physical, or sexual behavior directed at an individual because of his or her gender.  It consists of any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.   The question frequently arises, when do words alone arise to the level of sexual harassment.  The answer involves the famous “hostile work environment.” 

The “hostile work environment,” also called the “abusive working environment,” is a term created by Judges used to describe behavior that crosses the line from mere speech to illegal and actionable sexual harassment.  The California Supreme Court describes the line as follows, the harassment complained of must be “sufficiently severe or pervasive so as to alter the conditions of employment and create an abusive working environment.” Aguilar v. Avis Rent a Car System, Inc.   Other Judges have interchanged the words “abusive” and “hostile” in describing this sexually charged working environment.   However the elements are the same; severe or pervasive sexually oriented conduct and a working environment that is somehow changed and altered as a result of the conduct. When both are present we have the “hostile work environment.”   In recent years the same term has been used to describe harassment based on other protected characteristics including religion, race, national origin and in California, sexual orientation. To find out more information about discrimination in the work place go here.

What about our bossy boss. Is threatening your subordinate employee legal?  Can a boss yell at his or her employee until the employee has to seek stress leave? Does the stressed out employee have any legal options?  It depends.  Unfortunately California does not have civility laws.  A mean spirited, uneven bossy boss who yells threats and insults is not necessarily in violation of any employment laws; especially if the bossy boss is an equal opportunity screamer, meaning every one in the department gets the same terrible treatment.   However, if some people in the department are singled out for worse treatment than others, there may be actionable harassment.  In any case it is always a good idea to check with any employment attorney to determine what options are available.  If something is happening at work that you feel may be unlawful your best defense is to become fully informed of your rights.  Call Gienapp Law, APC for a free consultation 619.234.3054 or visit our web site.